The following is a the email documentation of a LOST contract transaction with the Love Artist Kathe Izzo. LOST is an adjunct to The True Love Project, and, like TLP, is an ongoing series of private love performances (beginning in April 2002), in which the artist promises to love the world one person at a time, for one day, hour, afternoon or morning at a time.
From: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: project
Date: November 20, 2003 5:11:04 PM EST
To: [email protected]
I'm curious about your project
if you have more information, please send it.
From: [email protected]
Subject: re: project
Date: November 20, 2003 7:18:04 PM EST
To: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi carolyn,,
My performance LOST operates pretty much wherever you want it to be, whenever you want it to be.
Lost is an off-shoot of my True Love Project. All of the True Love Projects are designed for an audience of one and based on the concept of direct energetic transmission from the artist (me) or love as art. In other words, we spend time together and, by that time together, we are both transformed. LOST is a more casual Love project, as intimate and/or as friendly as is required, a full gamut of possibilities. We pick a neighborhood or an event and we wander around, separately, talking on our cell phones, looking at things, taking photos or movies, picking up omens, talismans, gifts for each other, simultaneously paying attention to ourselves, each other and our surroundings. This can go on for anywhere between an hour to four hours. It's quite nice actually.
I like to wander around and be outside on my Lost appointments. Think of an event that might be exciting or a neighborhood or location that you like or want to explore.
Love, kathe
PS You can still ask me any questions you like.
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