Yes, I have an idea.
Practice active pause,
pra•ctice act•ive pause, verb.
Verb, the part of language
that expresses action,
existence, and practice.
A verb is alive!
Active pause is language.
It is the dynamic interaction
of two words.
Words are form. And content
creates an image.
Language is the means
of communication.
Language can verbal,
as well as visual.
Language is an interaction.
Therefore, the exploration of
active pause is an exercise
in language as a verb.
The practice of active pause
is practice active pause.
Here I am!
Right now you are breathing
and so am I.
I would like to practice active pause. That is why I make ideas, interactions and things. That is why I participate in language. Most communication is meant for fast. Fast wants and fast fixes. A visual language on speed making speed. Sometimes the people that create the visual language forget that language is a verb. These people create more and more of the visual from a very limited dictionary. The people who read the language therefor expect fast fixes
for fast wants but are never honestly satisfied.
May I sugggest, practice
active pause?
We are invited to wake up
from a collective speed to
practice a collective pause.
We have something to do
with eachother.
We have some thing to do
with each other.
, is knowing that we are.
Active pause, an equal
distribution of the power held
in communication.
Active pause is that one
moment where you notice.
Notice where you are!
From the moment our eyes
open we are saturated by
this visual language. We
learn to read this language
without even realizing we
have been taught!
Yes, let's acknowledge
Let's communicate the fact
that we are communicating.
Communication occurs in exchange.
Us to them is dictation.
Us and them is communication.
Yes, practicing active pause.
Dana Bishop-Root is an artist and designer working in the public spaces of New York.