Main | Practice Active Pause by Dana Bishop-Root »


wolfgang anferveisert

I recall this pictured location very well, it was the site of a sales presentation my partner and I offered regarding our Life Stimulation System's "Legacy Consulting Services".


thanks for this excellent essay -- looking forward to participating in a dialogue around use and social architectures on this site.

Richard Ruegg

Does the idea manifest in the memory of the participant or does it evolve in the social structure that has been created, modified??? so is there is no need for objects that clutter up public spaces?? when all you need to do is send out a bulk email and get someone to meet you for a coffee, covered in Yves Klien Blue head to tue .

sal randolph

Interesting thoughts, Richard. I think you're right that there's no need for art objects to clutter up public (or for that matter, private) space. Actions, interactions and events are perhaps more interesting at the moment. On the other hand, sometimes we do like objects.

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